29 Jan 2016

Australia Day

A public holiday dedicated to the anniversary of the first fleet to arrive in down-under, Australia Day (a.k.a 'Stralia Day) is marked with a colourful palette of good fashion patriotism starting from your national flag face painting to a spectacular array of fireworks in the evening. However, the most common scene you'll see annually on 26th January is a good ol' fashion BBQ smoking in all manner of different styles. As a multicultural country, you don't have to look far to see a typical sausage sizzle cooking next to a dish of sweet and sour pork.

So, we decided to pack a few eskies and headed down to the Footscray Park to contribute our own culinary aromas to the smokey atmosphere and enjoy a few laughs! Times like these I really can't help but fall further in love with photography and appreciate how good friends and good weather (and good lighting!) can create some of the most fantastic visual memories. 

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