I remember taking these while enjoying breakfast out in the backyard just outside the studio. Jiro was still new to me and I'd set about experimenting with the 35mm lens and all the dials and functions my new camera had to offer.
As a creature of habit, my breakfast platter is always made up of the same four things, plus my coffee (the most essential component!). "The Seven Basic Plots" by Christopher Booker (yes, that's his name, I kid you not!) is another massive book on my thesis literature list that my supervising professor assigned me. Sometimes, I think my professor is trying to give me enough tombstone books so I can stack them all to build a building rather than design one!

The last image is of the back facade to the family home. It's an old Tudor style house that's just under a century old that's housed my family for the past fifteen years and a very long generation of possums for much longer.
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